Everyone likes to travel and see new places.While some think about the high prices of air tickets, delays at the airport and lost baggage, others do not only think about the fear of flying and find it scary, especially the first time to travel.
Fear of flying can be caused by fear of indoor or highland fear, or God forbid aircraft failure, as some news reports indicate earlier flights. Regardless of why you are afraid to fly, there are some steps you can take to help alleviate your fears if you decide to start your journey soon.
Before your trip
1. Before your flight you can search and see the safety of an aircraft, and how it can go a long way by continuing to fly even if the engine fails, this can help you feel comfortable and anxiety, and through this site GuidetoPsychology.com to learn more explanations About those frightening sounds during takeoff and landing, and many more questions that you might have in mind.
2. Although experts do not recommend it in some cases, for people with flight phobia the choice of a boardwalk seat is better for them, they will not feel that they are being held by other people, and will be able to move around the cabin more easily. This also prevents them from looking out the window and watching the heights and worrisome things.
3. Avoid media reports of disasters, news coverage of a plane crash or other frightening images. Remember that the vast majority of flights arrive safely, and don't let fear dominate your impressions of flying.
4. Think positively before your trip on all the fun things you need to do once you arrive at your destination.
5. Do not try to be your first trip long, just try to overcome your fear in a short-term flight, preferably in the largest plane possible.
at the Air port
1. Allow yourself plenty of time to arrive at the airport before your flight.
2. Wait for your flight in the lounge, most airlines have private airport lounges that are usually quiet and luxurious away from the hustle and bustle of the rest of the airport, and it will only cost you a sum of money for a sense of comfort and relaxation.
on aboard of the plane
1. Deep breathing is a pressure release within you, so breathe slowly and deeply for 5 or 10 times.
2. Read or watch something fun, a magazine or a good book to distract yourself from negative thinking, and download a number of topics you prefer on your laptop to run them on board.
3. Have a drink of fresh fruit with plenty of water even before boarding, while avoiding caffeine as it can make you more nervous.